Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life in the Solar System?

Alpha Centauri doesn't have liquid water on it. If it would have the water would boil because of its high temperature. Alpha Centauri dose not have an magentic field becasue there is no metal type of liquid on it. It doesn't have an oxygen atmosphere because stars in the solar system don't get oxygen. Therefore Alpha Centauri dosen't have an oxygen atmosphere.
I believe that there could possibly be life on Europa. I believe that because Europa has a heat source and it also has liquid water. Europa is a moon of Jupiter nad can be found orbiting it. Scientist believe that there may be life on Europa because there is liquid water. Since there is liquid water they believe that there maybe single cell organisms in it. I also believe that. I agree with what the scientist say. But there is no concrete evidence.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Space Measured

Space is measured by Astronomical Units, Kilometers, and Light Years. The differences between them is that they all measure different things. Also they all are different length's. For example light years are really to measure thing far away. Astronomical Units measures the distance between the Sun and the Earth. Kilometers measures the distance between different planets. Light Years measure the distance between galaxies and stars.

My body Alpha Centauri is 4,200,000,000 light years away from Earth. It would take you 19 years to be able to get to Alpha Centauri. I honestly don't believe that humans can get there because it has never been proven that people have ever landed on a star. I also don't believe that people can get there because it will takes many years to get there and who knows what happens on the way, through the Milky Way. I am not even sure if you can get past the Milky Way.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Alpha Centauri Formation

The first steps of forming Alpha Centauri is by a nebula. In a nebula gas and dust particles float around. They are free to roam the insides of the nebula. After a while inside the nebula the gas and dust particles starts to collect. They float closer together. The third step is that the density pulls the gas and dust particles . The fourth step of the formation of Alpha Centauri is a protostar forms. A protostar is very small and after a while stars to expand.

The fifth step is that the core becomes very dense because gravity's pressure on the core. The gravitational pull is so strong that it is able to make the core very, very dense. Because of the heat and pressure on the core, fusion begins and creates more and more heat and more light. Fusion is when the Hydrogen and Helium atoms collide. Those atoms that collide create heat and light. When the gas and dust particles come together it's accretion. Accretion is when small objects collide and stick together just like what happens with the gas and dust particles in the nebula.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri is a Star, just like the Sun. Although the year Alpha Centauri was discovered, and who discovered it is unknown. That makes me wonder what is Alpha Centauri? Well Alpha Centauri is a triple star, which means that there are three different parts. It has two sun-like stars. Alpha C. A, and Alpha C. B. The third part of Alpha Centauri is Proxima Centauri, which is a red dwarf.

Alpha Centauri is one of the biggest stars in the constellation. The Sun may seem like a big star but is it really? Yes it is but it isn't the biggest. Alpha Centauri is 23 times bigger than The Sun. It's funny because stars seem to be so small, and we only pay attention to the sun. Alpha Centauri moves in a very wide orbit. It is the star that is closest to Earth.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pluto A Planet?

In 2007 Pluto was classified as an object on the Kupier Belt, which meant that it was no longer a planet. To be a planet you need to orbit around the Sun, which Pluto does. It also has to have enough gravitational pull to be able to control any other objects in the orbit. Pluto also does that. To also be a planet you need to have a clear neighborhood. That is were Pluto is disqualified. Pluto doesn't have a clear neighborhood it is 0.07 times the mass of other objects in the orbit. Pluto may be considered the ninth planet after Neptune, but there is still something on the Kupier Belt that is larger then Pluto such as Eris.

However Pluto may not be a planet but my body isn't a planet either. Alpha Centauri is a star. It is the star that is closer to Earth. Alpha Centauri is not a planet because it does not orbit around a star because it is a star. It also isn't a planet because it doesn't have enough gravitational pull to be able to control any other objects in its orbit. It also isn't a planet because it is not spherical.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alpha Centauri Diameter

Alpha Centauri has a diameter of 41 trillion km. The sun has a diameter of 1,391,000 km. Alpha Centauri is 23 times more than the Sun. Alpha Centauri will not really fit into the Sun. However the Sun can fit into Alpha Centauri 29,475,197 times. Wow now that's a lot. That proves many theories that they're things bigger than the Sun in the Solar System.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trip to AMNH

On Monday October 26th, my class went to the American Museum of Natural History, to further our studies about how the Universe was created. We went to the Rose Center where we saw different bodies that were similar to our own body. For example, my body is Alpha Centauri. Since they didn't have my body I focused on the Sun. We also went to the Hall of meteorites, where we saw rocks, and we also saw a short movie about Mars. My class also went to the planiterium, where we learned about the journey to the stars.

I learned that the Sun will vanish in about 500 billion years. It's going to slowly turn into ashes, then over time it will be vanished leaving only the center of the Sun. Over time the center of the Sun will start to fade away until it is nomore. I also learned about the stars. Stars are different from one another, some are older then the Sun. Stars could have even exsisted when the Universe started. I also learned about Chrodrules. Chrondrules are frozen pieces of Nebula that can be found in meteorites. It also tells us information about our solar system.

Even though I learned a lot I still have some questions about the Universe and my body. What is Alpha centauri? I mean I know it's a star but what more is it. Also what is something that can destroy the Sun before it vanishes? Is that even possible?