Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life in the Solar System?

Alpha Centauri doesn't have liquid water on it. If it would have the water would boil because of its high temperature. Alpha Centauri dose not have an magentic field becasue there is no metal type of liquid on it. It doesn't have an oxygen atmosphere because stars in the solar system don't get oxygen. Therefore Alpha Centauri dosen't have an oxygen atmosphere.
I believe that there could possibly be life on Europa. I believe that because Europa has a heat source and it also has liquid water. Europa is a moon of Jupiter nad can be found orbiting it. Scientist believe that there may be life on Europa because there is liquid water. Since there is liquid water they believe that there maybe single cell organisms in it. I also believe that. I agree with what the scientist say. But there is no concrete evidence.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Space Measured

Space is measured by Astronomical Units, Kilometers, and Light Years. The differences between them is that they all measure different things. Also they all are different length's. For example light years are really to measure thing far away. Astronomical Units measures the distance between the Sun and the Earth. Kilometers measures the distance between different planets. Light Years measure the distance between galaxies and stars.

My body Alpha Centauri is 4,200,000,000 light years away from Earth. It would take you 19 years to be able to get to Alpha Centauri. I honestly don't believe that humans can get there because it has never been proven that people have ever landed on a star. I also don't believe that people can get there because it will takes many years to get there and who knows what happens on the way, through the Milky Way. I am not even sure if you can get past the Milky Way.