Alpha Centauri is a Star, just like the Sun. Although the year Alpha Centauri was discovered, and who discovered it is unknown. That makes me wonder what is Alpha Centauri? Well Alpha Centauri is a triple star, which means that there are three different parts. It has two sun-like stars. Alpha C. A, and Alpha C. B. The third part of Alpha Centauri is Proxima Centauri, which is a red dwarf.
Alpha Centauri is one of the biggest stars in the constellation. The Sun may seem like a big star but is it really? Yes it is but it isn't the biggest. Alpha Centauri is 23 times bigger than The Sun. It's funny because stars seem to be so small, and we only pay attention to the sun. Alpha Centauri moves in a very wide orbit. It is the star that is closest to Earth.
Very professional Jocey, I loved your explanation and reasoning. I also liked your comparison to the sun. My question though is... The North Star is the brightest star in our night sky, so do you think the Alpha Centauri and the North Star are the same star?